via kearsage pass, also known as mile 791 (ish).
i've got some great pictures of the sierras, though my whitney summit was pretty cloudy on top. forrester pass was a perfect day though. when i have a way to upload them, i'll try to update this post.

i've got some great pictures of the sierras, though my whitney summit was pretty cloudy on top. forrester pass was a perfect day though. when i have a way to upload them, i'll try to update this post.

forrester pass
the weather has been cold (into the 20's at night) and we've had a couple short bouts of light precipitation, but mostly we seem to be behind the storm moving through. there've been moments of sun pretty much everyday, and the mornings have been really nice, despite the cold. i still cling stubbornly to my 35 degree sleeping bag. it will make it through at least two successful thru-hikes! and my shoes have done well for me too, even in the snow and going over icy passes. i did replace my hiking pole tips today, which was overdue. especially since without them i couldn't put up my tent.
the scenery has been nothing short of spectacular, and sometimes it's difficult to get the miles in because i keep stopping to take in the view and make pathetic attempts at capturing it on my camera. i've already filled up the card i used for my entire AT hike last summer, and have bought an additional 8 gig card. we'll see how long it lasts...
bullfrog lake - not on pct but passed it during my resupply.
i'm very full right now from the ayce (all you can eat) salad bar at sizzlers. in an attempt to outdue my four plate binge at the last ayce (mexican food = delicious) i had four plates and an ice cream cone. somehow i don't have the same pain in my belly from today's efforts though.
more sierras to come. sweet.
That poor buffet didn't know what hit it. Four plates is impressive!