as my PCT thru-hike approaches, i've been getting back into that mode of thinking. packing up the familiar gear, putting it in the familiar places, feeling the familiar tho

got out and enjoyed the sunny day with mom, john, jeff, and brian as we hiked the cape horn trail. everyone seemed to have a good time, which was easy since it's a nice trail packed full of awesome views, varied terrain, a waterfall to walk under/through (depending on the time of year), and great exercise. i used it a lot in my preparations for last summer's trip and hope i get the chance to hike it a few more times before i leave in 19 days. especially since it's likely the last year this trail will exist in its current form. there is a board evaluating potential reroutes or seasonal closures for the trail before it will be officially recognized and incorporated into the columbia river gorge national scenic area (CRGNSA). i attended their public meeting with my friend john, and it's apparent they will be altering the trail's access and/or use in the near future.
walking with a loaded pack felt great, but it also reminded me that i haven't really been doing much of it lately. walking around town and riding a bicycle a little is all fine and dandy, but there's nothing that'll get you ready to hike up and down steep trails like hiking up and down steep trails. on the plus side, i have cautious optimism that the shoes i want to hike in will be up to the challenge. it's still too early to tell, but they felt comfortable all day and don't seem any worse for the wear. if they can do that for 400-500 miles a pop i'll be ecstatic.
good things.
We look forward to keeping up with you, Uncle Kevin! We are sending you lots of Love and Good Vibes.
Always Changing and Never the Same