Wednesday, April 22, 2009

17.5 hour drive = 4 month walk (plus an extra month for good measure)

all packed. sitting at the folding table in the converted garage one last time (well, at least for a while), waiting for my ride to pick me up.

i'm reflecting on the differences between my feelings of preparedness for the hike last summer and this summer. i really felt ready last year. felt like i'd done my homework, and put myself in a great position to have a successful trip. but now, having a thru-hike under my belt, i feel more than prepared. i feel calm right now, just moments away from departure.

maybe it's because my planning last year allowed me to reuse 95% of my gear. maybe it's because i had even fewer loose ends to tie up than before (hard to believe, but true). maybe it's because i'm not questioning whether i'll enjoy walking for five months - i've done it now and know i like it. maybe it's because somehow this trail feels like my home turf - even though i've only seen about 5% of it before. maybe it's simply because i'm listening to clair de lune.

whatever the reason is, i like the feeling.

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