i'm 109 miles in, here at the warner springs lodge enjoying all their amenities: air conditioning, shower, pool, delicious food, hiker box (discarded, free stuff left by other hikers), internet, etc...
i thought i'd brought a cable for my camera on this hike, but apparently i didn't. maybe i'll pick one up along the way. but for now you'll just have to imagine the sweet pictures of cactus blossoms and games of pass the pig i've taken.

the beginning of this hike has been much gentler on my body and i'm feeling great. the water supply has been better than i'd expected and the miles are coming fairly easy - i haven't even really gotten a sunburn. i've made some friends and have been hiking regularly with mattress, tomato, and the primaries - i spy, booty, and pockets. mattress finished his section here at warner and will be headed back up to victoria tomorrow, but i hope to continue seeing the others for a while. there are a
lot of hikers around me on the trail and i regularly see over twenty a day. ironically, this hike is shaping up to be a much more social one than the AT.
yesterday morning i rounded a corner and found a box of lead weights in the middle of nowhere, all labeled "pct '09" with an admonishment to "take only what you need." so now i'm carrying an 8oz weight to canada. apparently there weren't many other takers. the class of '09 must be a bunch of wusses.
i've also picked up a new name for the pct. it's "freebie". i'm working hard to earn it and my yogiing skills (getting free stuff without actually asking) are sharp as a tack.
idyllwild is about 70 trail miles away. supposed to warm up a little between now and then.
that's all for now.
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