i've been back in civilization for a few days now, letting myself get used to not hiking. the usual questions of "what next?" continue to come up, but so far i'm just letting them roll off me like water in a three-day rainstorm. "next" will take care of itself. i mean, it's coming no matter what i do, so i'll just enjoy some rest for now.
the final stretch of trail from stehekin to the border was magnificent. one evening i even got chills as i walked the final few miles to camp. the rugged peaks, crisp air, and late sunlight combined in a special way and i had to stop and just soak it in. i'm glad i had such perfect weather for the finish, as many hikers end up in rain - or even snow - and miss out on much of the scenery.

my last day felt a little anticlimactic. hiking alone, i came around a corner and there it was: a few pieces of wood and some words telling me the path i was on was at an end. i took a long break there, waiting for some profound feeling of enlightenment - or at the very least a feeling of loss - to set in. alas, i was largely void of thoughts or feelings and finally roused myself enough to take the requisite pictures. i knew that i would want them later, especially if/when i had stronger feelings about the moment. then, i hiked the unremarkable and endless 8+ miles of trail and roads to the manning park lodge.
it was a canadian flavoured tourist trap replete with colorful clothes, overpriced food and lodging, and people intent on cramming as much relaxation into a weekend as possible. but they all seemed so happy... in something akin to shock i inquired about the bus that runs to vancouver once a day and a room, but was happy to learn they had a hostel available for less than a fifth of the cost of the lodge. after a very big, very expensive meal, i settled in at the hostel as the only guest for the night. oliver, the caretaker, was an oasis of hospitality and friendship - even letting me do my laundry in the non-guest-laundry room.
the next day i caught the only bus to vancouver, b.c. whereupon i began figuring out where and with whom i was going to stay that night. my friends calhan and liz stepped up to the plate and i pitched myself down to bellingham for the night on an amtrak fastball (where is this baseball metaphor crap coming from??). finally, on wednesday i took a train the rest of the way down to vancouver, wa and was finally "home."
the end.

this photo is the end product of over thirty attempts. and it's not even that good.